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Stewardship Matters - Edition 3: Quantifying decarbonisation

Our regular update of Martin Currie’s work in the stewardship and ESG space and our insights into future ESG trends. EDITION 3 focuses on quantifying the impact and opportunities of decarbonisation.

Read the full report
Date published
13 Jul 2021
David Sheasby Head of Stewardship, Sustainability and Impact
John Gilmore, CFA Portfolio Manager, Impact Equities/ Stewardship, Sustainability and Impact Specialist

Welcome to the third edition of STEWARDSHIP MATTERS – our regular publication where our investment teams in Edinburgh, Singapore and Melbourne share their sectoral and regional Stewardship and ESG insights into future ESG trends, updates on the ongoing development of our ESG toolkit, and outcomes of the extensive active ownership activities that we are undertaking on behalf of clients.

This edition provides a review of Stewardship and ESG activity over the first half of 2021, and specifically focuses on a key topic of interest highlighted by our clients - how we are working towards quantifying the impact and opportunities of decarbonisation.

Key highlights

  • Decarbonisation is a journey with significant challenges. For us as investors, the key is about how we can work in partnership with our clients and our investee companies to facilitate this journey.
  • At Martin Currie, we are increasingly using Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions to frame our ESG analysis and engagement. In our efforts to achieve best-in-class ESG outcomes at the companies we invest in, we have continued to develop new initiatives in carbon measurement.
  • Our investment teams discuss in detail how our proprietary Carbon Value-at-Risk (VaR) tool is supporting investment decision making and risk management, as well as how we work with clients on their carbon requirements.
  • Using carbon measurement as a lens, our investment teams also explore the potential risks and opportunities from decarbonisation, and how we are using Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions to frame our engagements with investee companies.
  • We also touch on our commitment to becoming part of the decarbonisation solution through initiatives such as the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative and targets to become net zero as a business.
  • Finally, despite the ongoing physical barriers imposed by the COVID-19, our investment teams have continued to participate in extensive engagement and voting activities in the first half of 2021, many of which have a climate change focus.


Source: Martin Currie. Engagement activity is for the period 1 January 2021 – 30 June 2021.

We see that COP26, taking place in Glasgow later this year, as a great opportunity for the world to refocus attention on achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement after attention was diverted by the COVID-19 response during 2020.

Looking forward, we expect to see increasing detail from both countries and corporates on moving from decarbonisation policy to specific action. This has been mirrored in the detail of what we are integrating into our own investment process and actions as a business.

Read the full report

In our efforts to achieve best-in-class ESG outcomes at the companies we invest in, we have continued to develop new initiatives in carbon measurement.

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The views expressed are opinions of the portfolio managers as of the date of this document and are subject to change based on market and other conditions and may differ from other portfolio managers or of the firm as a whole. These opinions are not intended to be a forecast of future events, research, a guarantee of future results or investment advice.

Please note the information within this report has been produced internally using unaudited data and has not been independently verified. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, no guarantee can be given.

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The analysis of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors forms an important part of the investment process and helps inform investment decisions. The strategy/ies do not necessarily target particular sustainability outcomes.