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Australia Diversified Growth

A diversified portfolio, optimised for alpha


The Martin Currie Australia (MCA) Diversified Growth strategy follows a multi asset investment approach which is designed to invest approximately 70% in growth assets and 30% in defensive assets.

We have put Australian accumulation clients at the heart of product design and strategic asset allocation. We aim to provide the optimal asset allocation across Australian and global equities, listed real assets (such as property, utility and infrastructure securities), global and domestic fixed income and cash in order to produce superior medium-term returns.

Key Pillars of the Strategy


A unique line-up of fund managers, with an experienced asset allocator

The MCA team has a 40+ year pedigree in managing balanced funds for Australian investors. We have carefully selected and blended the ‘best of breed’ Funds for each asset class from the experienced and dedicated specialist investment managers within the Franklin Templeton stable.


Optimal asset allocation and systematic portfolio construction by capturing forward-looking proprietary insights

We use a unique set of forward-looking fundamental research skills, quantitative analysis experience and market expertise to identify the most attractive relative expected returns across a range of Australian and global equity, real asset, fixed income and cash strategies and capturing active strategy and security selection. We use this expertise to make timely strategic and dynamic decisions to optimally position the portfolio to capture outperformance.

We believe that our long-term track record in alpha generation through varied market cycles demonstrates our ability to steer clients' assets through the market’s investment cycles more carefully and strategically, in a transparent and cost-effective manner.

Key Information

To provide an after-fee return in excess of the Composite Benchmark over rolling three-year periods.

Portfolio characteristics Australia Diversified Growth
Objective Long-Term Growth
Asset Class Multi-asset
Style Value
Investable Universe Australian and global listed equities
Australian and global listed real assets
Australian and global fixed income
Benchmark Composite Benchmark*
Inception  1 May 1974


  • 35%: S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index
  • 23%: MSCI All Country (ex Australia) World Index
  • 13%: 50% S&P/ASX A-REIT 300 Index /50% S&P/ASX Infrastructure Index
  • 12%: Bloomberg AusBond Composite Bond Index
  • 12%: Barclays Capital Global Aggregate Index, hedged into Australian Dollars
  • 5%: Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index

Investment team

The Diversified Growth strategy is co-managed by Reece Birtles and Will Baylis

The strategy is supported by the broader MCA investment team through detailed fundamental research analysis across MCA's four research lenses for each company within the investment universe.

In addition, our quantitative research function is continually looking for new ways to improve the investment process and the efficacy of our stock decisions and portfolio risk/return outcomes.

Reece Birtles, CFA

Chief Investment Offer, Australia

View biography >

Will Baylis

Portfolio Manager

View biography >