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Terms & conditions

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This website contains important legal and general information on the Martin Currie group of companies and assets managed by the group.

This website is not directed at you if a member of the Martin Currie group of companies is prohibited by any law of any jurisdiction from making the information on this site available to you, and it is not intended for any use that would be contrary to local law or regulation.

This website, these Terms and Conditions, our Social Media Platforms Policy and the information contained within Regulatory Information may be altered and amended at any time without prior notice. Your continued use of this website indicates your acceptance of and acknowledgement of the Terms and Conditions and Regulatory Information. These Terms and Conditions were last revised in November 2023. If you do not agree or consent to any part of these Terms and Conditions, please do not enter the website.

Website Operator

This website is owned and operated by Martin Currie Investment Management Limited which is a Specialist Investment Manager of Franklin Resources, Inc. Unless otherwise indicated, all information on this site is approved for publication by Martin Currie Investment Management Limited. Martin Currie Investment Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Social Media Platforms Policy

To keep social media communities useful for everyone, please keep the following guidelines in mind when using Martin Currie’s social media pages:

  • Stay relevant: Contribute to the discussion with information that would be of interest to your peers or other visitors. Do not post advertisements.
  • Be respectful: Maintain a friendly environment. Do not post inappropriate or offensive material.
  • Avoid investment specifics: Do not post personal information; account information; testimonials; investment advice; or recommendations about specific securities, products, or services. Such opinions and experiences may not apply to others and their individual situations.
  • Respect your own privacy: Do not send or post personal information or account information via social media.

Comments and opinions posted by users are the responsibility of the person who posted them. Martin Currie does not adopt, endorse, or guarantee the accuracy of content posted by others, and such content does not represent the views of Martin Currie.

Followers who have a business relationship with Martin Currie or other beneficial interest in commenting are responsible for adhering to any restrictions for interacting online and any obligations to disclose that relationship or interest in their posts.

Martin Currie is not responsible for the terms of use or privacy or security policies on other websites including those of third-party social media platforms. For Martin Currie’s privacy and cookie policy see the link at the bottom of this page.

Any information, statement or opinion set forth on any social media platform is general in nature, is not directed to or based on the financial situation or needs of any particular investor, and does not constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, forecast of future events, a guarantee of future results, or a recommendation with respect to any particular security or investment strategy or type of retirement account. Investors seeking financial advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in any securities or investment strategies should consult their financial professional.

Martin Currie, or any of its employees, accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss arising from any use of material set forth on any social media platform or its contents. This material may not be reproduced, distributed or published without prior written permission from Martin Currie. Distribution of such material may be restricted in certain jurisdictions. Any persons coming into possession of this material should seek advice for details of, and observe such restrictions (if any).

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Martin Currie is in no way responsible for the content of any website, owned or operated by a third party, that may be linked to this website via hyperlink, whether such hyperlink is provided by Martin Currie or by a third party. In addition, Martin Currie is in no way responsible for the content of any third party website to which our social media pages may link. The information to which the user links is neither prepared nor maintained by Martin Currie, and Martin Currie has not and will not review or update the information contained in any linked website. Martin Currie is not responsible for, and makes no warranty with respect to the contents, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability, or reliability of the linked website. In addition, Martin Currie has no responsibility or endorsement for the operations, services, messages, and advertisements that may appear on other websites. Use of these websites shall be at your own risk.

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This website and anything set forth on a social media platform, is for information only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any security, nor any offering or recommendation by any member of the Martin Currie group of companies of any security, investment management service or advisory service. No investment advice, tax advice or legal advice is provided through this website, and you agree that this website will not be used by you for such purposes. No representation is given that the securities, products or services discussed on this website are suitable for any particular investor. Any products and services mentioned are subject to legal and regulatory requirements and may not be available in all jurisdictions. Investors should consult professional advisors as necessary and any investment should be made on the basis of the relevant prospectus, key investor information document or other relevant fund documents. We make no representations, warranties or undertakings about the information contained within the website and in any website to which the website is linked nor that any information you download is virus or error free. Martin Currie does not have any control over the content of any third party websites and is not responsible for the adequacy or accuracy of the information you may view.

You should note that there may be occasions during which our website becomes unavailable through no fault of our own, and there may be occasions where we take our website offline in order to enhance and update it. We cannot accept any liability resulting from your use of our website.

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None of our funds are offered for sale in any country or jurisdiction in which an offer is not permitted under applicable law.

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All copyrights, trademarks, trade names or other intellectual property displayed on this websites are proprietary to Martin Currie Investment Management Limited, or one of Martin Currie group companies. The content of this website and anything set forth on a social media platform is protected by applicable intellectual property law and Martin Currie reserves all rights with respect to its intellectual property in all materials on this website, and will enforce such rights to the full extent permitted by law.