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Building on European Equity Expertise

In the last three years, the Legg Mason Martin Currie European Unconstrained fund has delivered top decile returns.

We consider portfolio construction with equal importance to the research process...

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Past performance is not a guide to future returns. The return may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations.

Source: Franklin Templeton, Martin Currie and Morningstar Inc as at 9 November 2021. Legg Mason Martin Currie European Unconstrained X EUR Acc Fund shown in €. Net data is presented net of investment advisory fees, broker commissions, and all other expenses borne by investors. An annual fee rate of 0.75% has been applied for the net data. The figures provided include the re-investment of dividends. Please note that this fund is unconstrained by any benchmark. We show it against the MSCI Europe (Net Dividend) for illustrative purposes only. Inception 9 November 2018. Upside, downside capture and beta shown to 31 October 2021. Sharpe Ratio uses U.S. Treasury three-month Treasury Bill.

Source Martin Currie, Franklin Templeton, Morningstar and PRI as at 19 November 2021. Legg Mason Martin Currie European Unconstrained X EUR Acc Fund shown in €. Net data is presented net of investment advisory fees, broker commissions, and all other expenses borne by investors. An annual fee rate of 0.75% has been applied for the net data. The figures provided include the re-investment of dividends. Peer group ranking is 9 November 2021. Latest PRI A+ ratings relate to Strategy & Governance, Incorporation and Active Ownership activity for the period 1 January 2019 – 31 December 2019. A copy of the PRI’s assessment of Martin Currie and methodology is available on request. Morningstar Sustainability rating. Out of 2679 Europe Equity Large Cap funds as of 30 September 2021. Based on 96% of eligible corporate AUM. Data is based on long positions only.