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Martin Currie's CEO joins Future Asset as Chair to champion Diversity and Inclusion in Finance in Scotland

Jen Mair takes Board position to lead efforts in empowering next generation of Finance talent.

Future Asset, a leading education initiative in Scotland dedicated to fostering diversity and inclusion within the finance industry and known for its commitment to empowering young women from all walks of life to pursue careers in investment management, is delighted to announce the appointment of Jen Mair as its new Chair.

Jen currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Martin Currie, where she has spearheaded innovative strategies and initiatives to promote inclusion and accessibility within the investment landscape.

"I am honoured and excited to take on the role of the new Chair for Future Asset," Jen says. "Diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords; they are essential components for driving innovation and progress within the finance industry. I am committed to leveraging my experience and passion to create a more diverse and inclusive environment for future generations of finance professionals."

With over two decades of experience in international financial services and strategy, Jen brings to her new role both a wealth of expertise and her unwavering commitment to equity and inclusion, and her appointment will help Future Asset drive impactful change within the finance sector.

Despite significant strides, the finance industry still grapples with a lack of diversity, particularly at leadership levels. As Chair, Jen Mair aims to tackle these challenges head-on, championing the critical work of Future Asset in demystifying the industry, and building a diverse pipeline of talent that will shape and lead the industry into the future.

"An inclusive culture in finance is not just a moral imperative; it's a strategic advantage," she continues. "We need diverse perspectives at every level of decision-making to drive innovation and ensure sustainable growth. Future Asset plays a vital role in nurturing the next generation of diverse talent, and I am excited to collaborate with our partners and stakeholders to further our mission."

Jen Mair's appointment comes at a pivotal moment for Future Asset as the organisation continues to expand its reach and impact within the finance industry. Under her leadership, Future Asset aims to amplify its efforts with mentorship, education, and advocacy, empowering individuals from all backgrounds to seek a career in finance.

"We are delighted to welcome Jen Mair as our new Chair," says Helen Bradley, CEO of Future Asset. "Her visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to diversity and inclusion make her the ideal candidate to steer our organisation toward even greater success. Together, we will work tirelessly to create a more equitable and inclusive future for girls and young women in the finance industry."

For more information visit

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